4 Book Marketing Ideas to Increase Sales
You are passionate about writing and you want to turn your passion into a career. Becoming an accomplished author is a very noble goal, but for many aspiring authors, realizing that goal can be tough. There are literally millions of people who have the same goal – and who write just as well as you do.
How can you make sure that your books will sell once you publish them? The answer is to prepare a marketing plan before hand. Marketing is the single most important thing you can do to get your books to sell. It’s even more important than the writing itself.
By creating a marketing plan before you start writing, you can ensure that your books will actually sell. Below are four marketing strategies to keep in mind before you put pen to paper.
- Learn About Your Target Audience
Who will you be writing for? Moms? Single men? Professors at a university? Whoever your audience is, make sure you invest a good deal of time in learning about them. What problems do they have? What are they interested in? What moves them?

When you learn about your audience, you can write a book that will really pique their interests. Furthermore, all of your other marketing efforts will be much easier and more effective.
- Figure Out How You’ll Reach Your Target Audience
Once you know more about your target audience and what type of literature they are looking for, you then need to figure out how you are going to reach them. Do they shop more online or are they more likely to purchase books in an actual bookstore (yes, people do still buy books in stores). Once you figure out the preference of your audience, you can then devise a plan to reach them. Online marketing, radio commercials, and print ads are just some of the ways you can market your book to your audience.
- Consider Writing a Series
Creating a series is a great way to increase your sales in the future. People will continue buying your titles because they want to find out what happens to the characters in your stories or what advice you are going to give for future problems. For instance, with a non-fiction series, you can create several plots for different books in your series and carry your characters throughout each one. If you are writing advice or self-help books, you could establish ways to solve problems for different groups of people, dedicating each book in your series to a specific group. People who read one book in your series will purchase other titles as gifts or recommend them to people they know. A series is a smart way to grow your sales in the future.
- Different ideas
Another effective way to increase your sales is by offering your books in different formats. Alternatively, smoke some weed to increase your creativity first. If you offer paperback, hard cover, downloadable books, and audio books, you’ll offer something that appeals to everyone’s preference.